A zoo where you meet the deer on the road. Children simply love the place, especially watching the wild animals in their enclosures. Visit of deer park gives relaxation from hectic life of city. Enjoy getting a close encounter with wildlife when you visit a zoo. A place which is exciting for people of all age groups to enjoy watching wildlife in their habitats. You can enjoy hiking and spending a day at the zoo watching animals of various species, feeding them, and staying close to nature. You can gain knowledge of various species and click pictures of nature and wildlife. And to get a close peek at the wildlife of the country.

Here, You will find a list of amazing animals beginning with ‘D’, together with pictures and interesting facts on each animal. Learn about all kinds of different animals. Given below are the animals starting with the letter ‘D’.
Discover animals beginning with. . . .

We’ve included both individual species whose names begin with D and well-known groups of animals that begin with D.

Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivorous
Size: 14 to 16 inches at the shoulder
Weight: 10 to 12 pounds
Lifespan: 3 to 4 years, 10 years in captivity
Habitat: Dense forest to open plains
Dik-Dik comes from the alarm call of the female. It is a slender dwarf antelope found in the dry bushlands of East Africa. It has a soft, grizzled gray to brown coat. They have large dark eyes surrounded by a white ring. They live in open plains amongst other grass-eaters such as giraffes, zebras, and other antelopes. They are water-independent, getting water from the vegetation they eat.

Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Size: Head and body, 3.5 to 4 ft (1.1 to 1.2 m); Tail, 12 to 13 in (30 to 33 cm)
Weight: 22 to 33 lbs (10 to 15 kg)
Group: Pack
The dingo is a subspecies of gray wolf. Dingoes live in Australia, where they are the largest land predators. The fur of dingoes is short, bushy on the tail, and varies in thickness and length, depending on the climate. Barking is almost exclusively used for giving warnings. The fur color is sandy to reddish brown, but can include tan patterns and be black, light brown, or white.

Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Average lifespan: 45 to 50 years
Size: 10 to 14 ft (3 to 4.2 m)
Weight: 1,100 lbs (500 kg)
Group: Pod
Dolphins are aquatic mammals. They are found in the sea, but some are able to live in freshwater. They are known for their high intelligence. They have a streamlined body, adapted for fast swimming. They have acute eyesight, both in and out of the water. The Pink Dolphin lives in the Amazon river. They swallow their food whole, without chewing. They are capable of making a broad range of sounds. They have large brains for their bodies. They play with seaweed and play-fight with other dolphins.

Type: Bird
Diet: Omnivore
Average lifespan: about 3 years
Size: 11-13 inch.
Weight: Average weight of 10-16 oz.
Group: Flock
The rock dove is the ancestor of all the world’s feral pigeons. Dove’s have colorful, iridescent neck feathers. Most are found in tropical forests, and woodlands. They can also be found in grassland areas, and mangroves. Doves mainly eat seeds. The Diamond Dove is the most popular Dove for pets, originated in Australia. Dove’s can fly up to 40 or 50 miles per hour and may fly as far as 600 miles a day. They seem to be able to detect the Earth’s magnetic fields.

Type: Fish
Diet: Omnivore
Average lifespan: Average of 10 years
Size: The length and height of a typical grown adult ranges from about 20–25 cm (8–10 in).
Interesting and beautiful fish!! These quiet, peaceful, and elegant creatures inspire appreciation and dedication like no other fish. There are many notable colour variations, brown, blue/green, royal blue, red spotted green, heckel, red turquoise, solid cobalt, blue diamond and more. Their diet consists of insect larvae and water living worms. They also eat any fish small enough to get in their mouths.

We aspire that you enjoyed the visit to the zoo. Visiting makes of fun to learn about various fantastic animals beginning with ‘D’. We get to know about the taste and habits of various birds and animals. It gave us a better and close-up view of them.
Stay Tuned for the next amazing zoo animal !!
This segment is part of the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge by Blogchatter