Today, I’m excited to show you another intriguing novel The Pandora’s Box was left open…(Part 1st ) before that Are you curious to know about what’s inside the Pandora Box? A box that is a source of trouble, curiosity, and the unknown future? Yes…It is the start of trouble. It contains all manner of misery and evil. What does a perfect murder mean? A murder with no evidence pointing towards the murderer? No… A perfect murder that describes the killer manages to hide the shreds of evidence in such a manner that it remains invisible forever… Every perfect mystery has someone with a brilliant mind who comes almost close to catching the killer. In this novel, that brilliant-minded person is “Inspector Om” and his newly appointed assistant “Shiv”.
About the Book

The Pandora’s Box was left open… (Part 1st) is a young age adult novel by Dyumani Maheshwari. The book has a romance, suspense, thriller, and moral story. It encompasses murder, unlocking the past, confronting secrets, pursuing justice, righting a wrong, revenge, investigating social and moral concerns. The novel exclaimed that the story of Inspector Om and his newly appointed assistant Shiv. How they solve complicated murder cases together.How their bonding and respect for each other get stronger with time. It also highlights Om’s relationship with his family and his friends.
Book Scenario

The story begins with inspector Om and commissioner Harish were college friends. They are recruiting a new assistant by mock case. The participants’ Tara, Ravi, and Shiv were sent to the crime scene “Recruiting Murder Case”. Mr. Om had shown the entire department that the term “the perfect murder” is just a myth. In the meanwhile, Makhan Lal and Sohan were betting for Tara and Shiv for the winner of the crime scene. Each candidate examined the case and submitted their reports. Finally, Shiv wins the crime scene. Shiv is now the new assistant of Om. Further, they are investigating the Three bodies that were found at an old warehouse. Om allotted investigation work of action to them. They successfully solved this case. On the other phase, Tanya was Om’s daughter. She thanked harish for appointing shiv. But shiv will not marry her until om impressed by him. Suddenly, there’s a case of Makhan’s nephew Sumeet as a murderer comes out. Sumeet is selected for the cricket team but suddenly coach Prashant was murdered. It was proved that the victim Prashant was killed by Yash and Sumeet was released. Om handover the mysterious file to shiv. On the other hand, Om and Makhan revealed the love secrets of Tanya and shiv. Shiv concluded that the first case was a murder, not a suicide. Further, Shiv was discussing the second Sujata case with om. Suddenly, Anil’s murder case occurred. Anil was murdered by giving poison. Anil was Sujata’s ex-husband. Sujata had an adopted child Neel. Here’s the question arises whether Anil got justice or or not. Is shiv able to find out the solution of mysterious cases. Is Om impressed by shiv or given permission for their marriage?
My Verdict

The book is an interesting and impressive novel. It binds the reader till last. Words have a powerful impact. It has glamour, glitz, crime, and thrill as the Bollywood movie’s essence. It gives a sturdy message. It gives a genuine vision of life.
Book Details-
Book: The Pandora’s box was left open – Part 1st
Author: Dyumani Maheshwari
ASIN: B095W188YY
Format: Kindle Edition
Language: English
Genre: Fiction
I have been meaning to add a few thriller novels to my next-read list. This one definitely sounds like an interesting read.
This is the 2nd time I am coming across a review of this book. Look like it is calling out to me, waiting to be read. Loved your review.
Murder mystery..ahha…its my kind of a read. You have reviewed it wonderfully. There are not just one but 2- 3 cases. I am curious to know if Om get impressed by Shiv.
You penned down the book review in a very interesting way and I found it worth reading . So will add it in my tbr
Looks interesting mystery reads are always my favourite. The review sounds awesome. As if the book is calling me ! Thanks
The Pandora’s Box was Left Open…, seems to be an interesting book with a racy plot. It is a genre that we like, the book seems to be riveting with all the elements of a thriller. Sandy N Vyjay
Looks like an interesting thriller novel. shall add to my reading list. thanks for the recommendation.
Looks like a great thriller book. I really love the story line and the name itself very unique. I am gonna grab a copy for me .
Woahhh murder mystery so nice… I’m so interested in reading thriller books. This review seems very nice and detailed ,👏👏👍
Wow, a murder mystery. This one seems quite intriguing. I usually do not have much patience to know the mystery behind so has never been able to pick up a mystery book. But this is such a compelling one and I would like to read it for sure.
I love the cover and title of the book. The storyline is full of suspense elements that are sure to make this an edge of the seat thriller. Good review!
I love the title of the book, sounds unique to me and plot is equally interesting. will try to read it for sure. thanks for sharing your honest review.
The Pandora box left open sounds intriguing read from your detailed review. This has so many flavours for binge read. Would check out
This is the second review I’m reading and the plot seems quite interesting. I’ll get my hands on this as soon as I finish the one I’m reading currently.
I recently read a couple of more reviews about the book and was dicey to pick it up or not and stumbled upon your post, seems I should get the book now. thanks for the review
I really like the title of the book and sounds very interesting even the plot is unique. I will give this a try .
The title sounds great. Though I am not a reader of thrill books , after reading your review about the book. I would surely give it a read
This is for me. I am a massive fan of thrillers & murder mysteries. I will surely pick up this book. Thanks for sharing the review.
First of all I love the title. The Pandora’s Box was left open seems like an awesome book, I will try to get it. I am looking for a thriller book currently, would be good to read.
I m glad and very interesting about Book Review The Pandora’s Box was left open. First of all I really love the tittle. I would sure read it. I will get to try it. This is so awesome book review. Thanks for sharing the book review 😊👍
The name of the book itself is quite intriguing and would love to read this personally. Loved how you have shared an honest review with us.
This book looks really interesting with suspense and thriller, I am adding this in my reading list now!
I’ve read this book and can’t agree more to your review. The book is interesting and gripping and each case is unique in its own way. Loved Shivs eye for details and Om’s way of handling the cases.
The cover itself seems pretty interesting. Mysteries are one of favorites genres to read, will surely be checking this out soon.
It seems a intresting review one…coverd by all thirlling and murder mystery oho loving the sound only…if this book can bind till the end than this is it your review.
Loved reading this review. I would love to read this book. Thank you
looks like an interesting read, and the name of the book is definitely intriguing. going to check out this book for my next month’s reads.
I loved your review of the book ‘The Pandora’s Box was left open’ by Dyumani Maheshwari. I’m not an avid book reader but I’m enticed to read this one. Love the way you’ve built a case for me to order this book 🙂
Interesting book. Was thinking at first if the Pandora (jewelry) have anything to do with it but as I read more on the book review totally got hooked with the twist of the story. Lovely read and just as the author of this article have said, “It binds the reader till last.”