Communication is an important part of our life. Communication is basically when a person can say and write in the form of feel, think, and need.
Problems of a child having bad communication

The lack of knowledge
When a child does not have many words to speak, which indicates that the child doesn’t have much knowledge in words.
Hearing issues
When a child has hearing issues, he needs to be guided by sign language. Due to this a child with hearing issues have difficulty in communication.
Very less vocabulary
If the child lacks knowledge, then he or she does not know many words to use in the day-day life.
A child having the perfect vocabulary, perfect speech, and no hearing issues, we think that he/she doesn’t have any problems. To speak out a speech your child needs confidence which they don’t have, while speaking up, they stutter their words which unable the audience to understand what he/she is saying.
Unclear speech

When a child has trouble in pronunciation of words, mumbling, or a change in speed or rhythm while talking. The medical term for slurred speech(unclear speech) is dysarthria.
Scared of being judged
when a child is scared that his answer may be wrong or other children may make fun of him. Then he is scared of being judged also the child does not have much confidence to stand up for himself and thus runs away in fright.
Introvert personality
When a person is being on its inner thoughts than what is happening in the outside world, they also like spending time with one or two people rather than a group or crowd.
Not able to express
When a person has the right word to think and write them but is not able to express himself in the form he wants to.
Loss of words
When somebody doesn’t know what to say or is in shock. It generally happens when we see a huge audience or when we don’t have much confidence in ourselves, thinking that we might fail.
Stage fear
In my personal opinion, I’ll let you on a secret of mine, I have stage fear, it’s basically like when we see a lot of people we get nervous if they might like what we say or if we say something wrong, and that’s why some people even start to shake while performing.
Some ways to improve your child’s communication
Talk regularly with your child
Talking regularly with your child can help improve vocabulary and build up their confidence.
Create the right speaking and learning environment
When we use, children start using those words. Therefore, we need to create the right educational environment. During family time you and your child must be having fun playing cards, board games, etc., and at that point, we need to forget all the work we have for 15mins and enjoy time with family.
Read with your child

Reading helps us to get better with communication and vocabulary, which later leads to excellent communication. And when start speaking on greater communication platforms, we get better and better.
Encourage your child to keep a journal

Writing a journal is going to help us get better and better at communication, writing skills, vocabulary, etc. and thus we are encouraged by our parents to keep a journal or write a journal for our own helpful needs. When we feel that things may be tough, we take a chance to go and see how well will it end, after all that hesitation things go well and we feel that we were panicking for no reason.
Show and tell

It helps a child to become confident, get more vocabulary, comfortable speaking in public, etc. We are also expressing our true selves, and freely speaking out loud. It is also an important part of family time because we are doing some sort of magic.

It helps to express their views more clearly in front of a wide audience and they start having confidence. This is also a group-based activity, where we have to communicate with the group to express our ideas and thoughts of the view. This also concludes that teamwork is important in debates.
Speak looking in the mirror

When we look in the mirror, we see ourselves. Try reading a script you have to present and you don’t know when you might mess up at times, looking at yourself in the mirror help you get the confidence you need to speak in front of people and you can also see where you are going wrong. “The person in the mirror is your only competition.”, “Some call it ARROGANCE, but I call it COFIDENCE.”, “be more of YOU and not THEM.”
As you can see communication is a really important part of our life, as said above. Some stuff we know, we generally forget, and someone to remind us of it again. Spending more time on online things during these times is not going to help, because later on we will get tired and no time to spend with ourselves. Make a change in it, with communication, spend time with your family and yourself, also you can learn much more with it.
So, let’s make ourselves free from online and enjoy our time with friends and family and communication.
Having a strong communication is today’s need. And I am ready concerned abut our next generation’s communication skills as most of the things are done virtually. They hardly get chances to interact.
Well said !!! . I know about Tips to Improve our Communication Skills is an important part of our life. Everyone will get it. They hardly get chances to interact. You shared amazing post. Thanks for this.
It is really important to focus on communication skills. And, the pandemic has increased this problem because there’s very limited social interaction. Everything is being done online so we have to work little harder to help children develop these skills.
Focusing on communication skills is really very important. And with less of social interaction. Love reading this post. These are some great tips to improve communication skills
Commications plays an important role in life. When it comes to our little ones I am concerned about the right communication. Your post has some useful tips.
During this time when kids are hardly communicating with their peers, it’s important that parents keep the channels of communication open with their kids.
Strong communication is very important to express ourselves. Nice and very helpful tips to teach this useful tip to a child at early stage. Thanks for sharing.
Communication is such an important skill and part of any relationship. I think Parent-child communication is really a need from the time your child learns to talk and understand. Having this deep connection and your child knowing they could openly talk to you about anything without judgement would be truly helpful in their growing years (especially teenage years).
That’s a very helpful post for parents who are looking to get kids to improve on communication skills. And given the competition in all walks of life its imperative that we use such tips to help our kids communicate better since they are not getting to meet each other right now.
The problems you have mentioned are the one I am still going through like I still have stage fear, very less vocabulary but I have decided I will not make my son like me. I will involve him enough to be a great communicator.
These are some really helpful tips to improve the speech of the children .reading to them makes a lot of difference. I have to make it a regular habit
This is often a very neglected point in a child’s growing up stage. I am so glad to come across this blog that gives us insight to such an important factor
Communication can be considered as the single most important thing in personal and professional spheres. If kids can work on their communication at an early age they will reap benefits throughout their lives.