Gear Up, The Peloton for India is here – TREAD One!

Gear Up, The Peloton for India is here – TREAD One!

Innovation in fitness has been lacking and integrated fitness may just be the solution we’ve all been waiting for. The current scenario makes people intimidated and showcases fitness as something boring. The only way to cultivate a healthy way of living is consistency and we can build consistency only when we enjoy and believe in something- when it’s fun, it becomes a habit.

It can be a superb initiation to exercise using equipment and form the foundation of a solid go-to routine. I’m lucky enough to hear about TREAD OneThe Peloton for India is here, and I think I love it. But, just like any outfit isn’t complete without the right accessories, you need a few extra features to take your workout on a stationary bike to the next level and with features of multiple formats of workouts and live content streaming, the TREAD One was the overall winner for me. 

Kick-Up for High-Tech Stationary Bike- TREAD One!

The Peloton for India is here – TREAD One has revamped home fitness with its high-tech indoor bike. It enables users to stream live classes from home. This stationery bike could easily take over a corner of your apartment without being too troublesome. The HD LCD touch screen is user-friendly, and at 22 inches in size, it’s easy to see. The resistance wheel is easy to adjust to workout at your own pace. It comes with multiple workout formats in one product, so people of all ages, gender, shapes, and sizes can use it.

TREAD One is now available for pre-order by paying a small amount of Rs.9,900/- (which is fully refundable) and paying the remaining amount of Rs.50,000/- at the time of delivery.

Making the Benefits of Home Exercise for better health

Stationary bikes and treadmills are the kinds of home exercise equipment that can improve overall cardiovascular health and deliver physical and mental health benefits to users. TREAD One provides multiple formats and features for you to choose from. This equipment fits in with lifestyle, exercise goals, and home environment and makes 20 minutes workouts both an enjoyable and healthful experience. Spinning a low-intensity workout is very much advised to people with arthritis or other physical conditions.

TREAD One is the best innovation at home!

TREAD One has come up with a compact, sleek, durable design, that includes high-end features, and technology. It is a perfect one-step fitness solution for fitness enthusiasts of different ages and backgrounds. It fosters innovation in everyday home fitness. It is a lightweight and compact device to do daily workouts seamlessly from the comfort of your home. TREAD One user can not only enjoy spinning but cardio, yoga, strength, and conditioning workouts all within a single product 

You can book a LIVE DEMO to understand the in and out of the product before you make a decision to invest in it. Great, isn’t it?

Perfect for Live and Indoor classes from home!

When you are streaming the classes live on TREAD One, then you can check out the leaderboard where you’ll be working along with other people in the same session and track your speed, output, distance and compete alongside through the 22 Inch HD LCD Screen. It enables users to basically stream live classes from anywhere without ever leaving their bedroom.

Hurry Up! Grab your TREAD One by pre-booking it on their website and share your experience with us in the comment section.

47 thoughts on “Gear Up, The Peloton for India is here – TREAD One!

  1. Tread one sound like a great option for busy moms to follow her fitness routine at the comfort of their home. thanks a lot for sharing all details. will share with my friends who stay in India and interested in fitness.

  2. This sounds like a great option for people like me who can’t hit the gym due to hectic schedule. Yes, it’s a holistic fitness solution indeed 😊.

  3. This really looks innovative and perfect product. I really heard good review about this product. Will going to check out this product for sure.

  4. Wow this is just in time for me as I have been thinking of buying this one. I have booked a live demo and hopefully I can pick one for my home.

  5. What a good product! I have heard of these, but did know of a reliable brand available here. will definitely check this out, i know such live classes streamed can be great motivation to get the workout on and really push ourselves.

    1. Tread one looks like a great equipment to have at home for achieving your fitness goals👍 i ll definitely check it out

  6. Home workout these days are better and safer option. And this treadmill makes life easy for all fitness freaks. This looks really good product.

  7. This is such an innovative idea 😍Good in fact excellent for people who can’t go out and work out due to their schedules..! Gonna be super helpful for them✨😍

  8. I have heard some rave reviews about Tread One and the fact that you can get inspired and demo sessions also while sweating it out is great.

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